Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday Oct 29

What kind of part time job can you go to and come home with less money then you went there with? Well I guess you could work at a clothing store and some new clothes come in so buy them and forfeit your days wage. Or maybe you trade stocks and you have a losing day. Or maybe you get robbed on your way out of your job at Wendy's. What am I getting at? Well I had a losing night. Did I lose much? Pennies really... I went 10-8 in the 30's and then 0-1 in the 50's so pretty much any money that I lost was due to the rake, which I will get 33% of that back anyway. I was not happy with my play tonight. I did manage to play better near the end of the night but I caught myself playing WAY to fast several times. This works fine when your hitting cards. But if you are not and missing EVERYTHING and the other guy is hitting lots you NEED to slow down. I know that I can not win every time I sit down at the computer. But I have to tell my hands you can't win every time as well, sometimes they have a mind of there own and CLICK CLICK CLICK...

Anyways I am off to see my parents tomorrow, and my PUPPY!! Pretty happy about that. I will try to get about 2 or 3 hours in tomorrow night yet. My stats will be updated in the right side of the screen again. I am sure that my $/hr rate will come down to around $25 yet once I average out. But nothing wrong with a $25/hour job that is also tax free!!

WOW just going through some people's sharkscope stats... There are some SICK people that are making BIG money at HU SNG's I can't wait to have all my bills paid off and I will try to not take any money off the site and just keep building and moving up in limits, Following the 25buyin rule...

Wednesday Oct 28

Didn't play at all last night, so still stuck at just over 10 hours. Went for a nice Dinner with a friends. I am going to try to put in a 5 hour session tonight to at least put me close to the 20 hours this week. like a 5pm-10pm session. Need to get my Itunes play list organized so the sessions will go smoother.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tuesday Oct 27th

Played a shorter session today, played just over 2 hours and only 6 games... The games lasted a LOT longer then normal for me, one game going 123 hands... I played really well and also had a few hands hold up... I went 6-0, all my stats are updated on the right side of the screen, I have played for over 10 hours now I am sure I will not hit my 20 hours this week, maybe 20 is too much, not sure... I will be be taking some money out soon and I will keep playing the 30's. They seem the easiest to beat. The funny thing I notice is I can keep a window open to see who sits down and sharkscope them, but no ONE will sit down, yet if I join someone sits rather fast... What this is telling me is that people that are joining these games are looking for a quick game, they want to get there QUICK fix... For some it might even involve take a shot. I say bring it ON!!!

Well Friday I plan on going to Melville, I will either be taking Wed or Thurs off from Poker, depends on which day one of my female friends wants to go for dinner...

Dream, Believe, Live!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mon Oct 26th

Well, pretty tired and don't feel like writing that much so basically a buddy came over and we grinded some Poker, I put in 3 hours of 30's and had a 9-5 record, nothing wrong with that at all.. I was hitting some hands but also playin well making some loose calls and folding a few hands... It's actually funny because the games I lost were actually the easier opponents but I just didn't trust me read a few times and made a crying call... My friend made me a sweet excel program to track all my stats better then I did before.. Right now my Win% is way to high but I also believe playing 1 game at a time I will keep my WIN% higher then I have ever had, not to get a big head but I can play HU Poker like a SON of a bitch... Just going to take some time to prove it to everyone else... I won't put today's stats in here but the side bar will be updated...

Oh and you know who you are, grind like a SOB so we can get big bank rolls and get serious about this poker thing haha..

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Oct 25th

So, Sunday brought an interesting day. I didn't play as much as I hoped to. I only played for 117mins. Played a total of 379 hands only. Made $158, went 7-1 in the 30's and 2-2 in the 50's. Just can't get anything going in the 50's but I have been destroying the 30's... Not a lot to mention about today's games... The only thing I wanted to talk about though was a guy I played yesterday. I won't say any names, but this guy would just not quit. I have played him before as well and destroyed him. At one point I was 9-3 against him, he came back to win the last two games so I quit because I was just not playing my best. But to the point, this guys problem; he just could not admit he was defeated. There is going to come a time where the game is -ev for you. If you don't learn to get out of it you will go broke or your bankroll will take a big hit. You can't beat every person you play or every time you sit down you're not going to win.

Other then that will be back to work tomorrow, I will really need to pick up the volume during the week if I want to hit 20 hours this week...

Well tomorrow is another day!!

Saturday Oct 24th

First day of really sitting down and playing. I played 2 sessions a 52mins session and then a 152min session. For a total of 204mins. My hourly rate for the day was $39.25. I went 15-6 in the 30's and 0-2 in the 50's. I really missed some opportunities in the 50's I played 2 really weak players and I did not play my best. I also played a total of 700 hands, another stat that I am going to keep track of...
I will be going into more detail about some of my games in the future, actually I will be adding some more to this post when I get back later, I played a certain guy 14 times, he would just not quit.

Time Played - 202mins
Games Played - 23
Record - 15-8
Hour Rate- $39.25

Fresh Start

Well, I have had a blog on here before, but because of people google searching my name I am going to start a new blog... I will not reveal who I am, certain people will know and those are the only people that really need to know who I am... For over a year now I have turned things around and am a winning poker player... From Jan-May with really only put in a high volume in Jan and April, I made over $2700... I really don't get to play that much anymore because of my full time job, but I am going to try to play 20 hours a week... I will consider this my part time job. The biggest thing for starting fresh is I never kept track of hours played to find out what I am making a hour so this will give me a really good idea...

Stay Tuned!!