What kind of part time job can you go to and come home with less money then you went there with? Well I guess you could work at a clothing store and some new clothes come in so buy them and forfeit your days wage. Or maybe you trade stocks and you have a losing day. Or maybe you get robbed on your way out of your job at Wendy's. What am I getting at? Well I had a losing night. Did I lose much? Pennies really... I went 10-8 in the 30's and then 0-1 in the 50's so pretty much any money that I lost was due to the rake, which I will get 33% of that back anyway. I was not happy with my play tonight. I did manage to play better near the end of the night but I caught myself playing WAY to fast several times. This works fine when your hitting cards. But if you are not and missing EVERYTHING and the other guy is hitting lots you NEED to slow down. I know that I can not win every time I sit down at the computer. But I have to tell my hands you can't win every time as well, sometimes they have a mind of there own and CLICK CLICK CLICK...
Anyways I am off to see my parents tomorrow, and my PUPPY!! Pretty happy about that. I will try to get about 2 or 3 hours in tomorrow night yet. My stats will be updated in the right side of the screen again. I am sure that my $/hr rate will come down to around $25 yet once I average out. But nothing wrong with a $25/hour job that is also tax free!!
WOW just going through some people's sharkscope stats... There are some SICK people that are making BIG money at HU SNG's I can't wait to have all my bills paid off and I will try to not take any money off the site and just keep building and moving up in limits, Following the 25buyin rule...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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